
Create ASP.Net Core 3.1 MVC Project With Entity Framework

This example demonstrates how to create & configure an ASP.Net Core 3.1 MVC project with Entity Framework. I've included instructions on adding the appropriate NuGet packages, setting up the connection [...]

2020-02-16T11:57:52-04:00February 13, 2020|

Serializing Objects in ASP.Net WebForms

This is a very incomplete post with some quick & dirty notes about serializing objects in ASP.Net WebForms. All included code is VB.Net. Default ASP.Net serialization Classes must have annotation [...]

2019-09-10T14:25:17-03:00September 10, 2019|

Fancy Checkboxes and Toggle Switches

This allows you to replace default checkboxes with a nicer-looking custom font alternative. This example uses Font Awesome 4 icons, but the CSS could easily be modified to use any [...]

2021-01-12T11:18:11-04:00April 5, 2019|

Prevent Link/Button Event or Post

Preventing a Link or Button from moving to the next URL (or triggering a post or postback in the case of ASP.Net) is easily accomplished using the very common method [...]

2019-03-28T15:37:49-03:00March 28, 2019|
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