Preserve White Space in Static Text Without Using PRE Tag
When displaying multi-line text (e.g. input from a TextArea) in a static element (e.g. DIV), extra white space and line breaks are ignored, resulting in one long line of text. [...]
When displaying multi-line text (e.g. input from a TextArea) in a static element (e.g. DIV), extra white space and line breaks are ignored, resulting in one long line of text. [...]
Content to be populated soon.
CSS File Bundling Basics To add custom CSS to an ASP.Net project, add the CSS files to /content and include them in a bundle in Bundle.config. A style bundle can [...]
The usual way to copy the properties of one entity to another would be to implement the ICloneable interface and do a proper, deep copy of all properties from one [...]
To add a new entity to your model, simply add it using <context>.<models>.Add(newEntity) and then call <context>.SaveChanges(). If you want to copy an existing entity and insert the copied item [...]
It is easy to display input errors using a field's validation message in a view. Simply call ModelState.AddModelError() passing in the property ID and error message, then return the View(). [...]
This demonstrates how to configure one-to-many and many-to-many relationships in a code-first Entity Framework ASP.Net MVC application. The sample application is a blog containing posts, post categories (one-to-many), and post [...]
In order for a drop-down list in an MVC View to be populated with data from the model, one method is to add the data to a model (or to [...]
When using Page.Header.Controls.Add to add something to a page header, or possibly other scenarios where you add a control to a collection, you may receive the following error message: The [...]
To check if an object is of a certain type in c#, simply use the is statement: if (myPerson is Person) { // Variable is of type Person }