Seed Identity Data in ASP.Net Core

When using Identity in ASP.Net Core, it can be useful to seed some data for testing purposes. How to go about that is not entirely obvious, given that the tables [...]

2020-10-28T01:41:27-03:00October 28, 2020|

Create ASP.Net Core 3.1 MVC Project With Entity Framework

This example demonstrates how to create & configure an ASP.Net Core 3.1 MVC project with Entity Framework. I've included instructions on adding the appropriate NuGet packages, setting up the connection [...]

2020-02-16T11:57:52-04:00February 13, 2020|

Bind Drop-Down List in MVC View in ASP.Net

In order for a drop-down list in an MVC View to be populated with data from the model, one method is to add the data to a model (or to [...]

2019-03-09T22:17:37-04:00February 21, 2019|
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