
Ignore First Render in React’s useEffect()

Sometimes you want to use useEffect() to catch a change in a state, but only after the initial value has been set. For example, you have a state called selectedId, [...]

2024-03-18T13:28:22-03:00October 16, 2023|

Relationships in Entity Framework Core 7

One to Many Relationships This article does not yet include information about One-To-Many relationships in Entity Framework Core 7. However, One-To-Many relationships have not changed much since Entity Framework Core [...]

2023-10-10T20:27:38-03:00October 10, 2023|

React Component with Children

Creating a React component that contains children can be as easy as including a children property and including {props.children} in the Return function. But knowing the proper type to use [...]

2023-05-05T11:18:20-03:00May 5, 2023|

Working As a Team with Migrations in Entity Framework Core

The official Microsoft documentation for using Migrations in Team Environments covers the basics. However, they neglect to mention one very important thing: Removing Migrations in a Team Environment Can Be [...]

2021-02-18T10:26:22-04:00February 17, 2021|
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