Please see Entity Framework Select Functions Explained for an overview of each available select method. This post only covers a handful of them.
Selecting Single Record by Primary Key
Returns null if object with matching key not found.
Example with simple PK:
Widgets widget;
using (WidgetModel ctx = new WidgetModel()) {
widget = ctx.Widgets.Find(SomeID);
return widget;
Example with composite PK (pass parameters in correct order):
UserWidgets uw;
using (WidgetModel ctx = new WidgetModel()) {
uw = ctx.UserWidgets.Find(UserID, WidgetID);
return uw;
Selecting Multiple Records in a Table (with 'where' clause)
List<Widgets> shifts = new List<Widgets>();
using (WidgetModel ctx = new WidgetModel()) {
widgets = ctx.Widgets
.Where(x => x.Prop1 == "Value1" || x.Prop1 == "Value2")
return widgets;
Selecting All Records in a Table (no 'where' clause)
List<Widgets> shifts = new List<Widgets>();
using (WidgetModel ctx = new WidgetModel()) {
widgets = ctx.Widgets.ToList();
return widgets;
Selecting a Single Object
Widgets widget;
using (WidgetModel ctx = new WidgetModel()) {
widget = ctx.Widgets
.Where(x => x.Date == SomeDate)
.Where(x => x.UserID == SomeUserID)
Note: If you are selecting a single object and there should never be multiple objects returned, use .SingleOrDefault(). If multiple objects are returned, the following exception will be thrown:
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element
Likewise, if you are selecting a single object and there should never be a null object returned, use .Single(). If no object is returned, the following exception will be thrown:
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
Selecting First of Multiple Objects
Widgets widget;
using (WidgetModel ctx = new WidgetModel()) {
widget = ctx.Widgets
.Where(x => x.Date == SomeDate)
.OrderBy(x => x.Prop1)
Controlling Order
Order by two columns - ascending:
Widgets widget;
using (WidgetModel ctx = new WidgetModel()) {
widget = ctx.Widgets
.Where(x => x.Date == SomeDate)
.OrderBy(x => x.Prop1)
.ThenBy(x => x.Prop2)
Order by two columns - descending:
Widgets widget;
using (WidgetModel ctx = new WidgetModel()) {
widget = ctx.Widgets
.Where(x => x.Date == SomeDate)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Prop1)
.ThenByDescending(x => x.Prop2)