Entity Framework

Relationships in Entity Framework Core 7

One to Many Relationships This article does not yet include information about One-To-Many relationships in Entity Framework Core 7. However, One-To-Many relationships have not changed much since Entity Framework Core [...]

2023-10-10T20:27:38-03:00October 10, 2023|

Working As a Team with Migrations in Entity Framework Core

The official Microsoft documentation for using Migrations in Team Environments covers the basics. However, they neglect to mention one very important thing: Removing Migrations in a Team Environment Can Be [...]

2021-02-18T10:26:22-04:00February 17, 2021|

Force Strings to use VARCHAR in Entity Framework Core

The nvarchar data type requires twice as much space to store as an equivalent-length varchar. For that reason, it is usually recommended to use varchar when you don't have a [...]

2020-10-30T05:10:59-03:00October 29, 2020|

Seed Identity Data in ASP.Net Core

When using Identity in ASP.Net Core, it can be useful to seed some data for testing purposes. How to go about that is not entirely obvious, given that the tables [...]

2020-10-28T01:41:27-03:00October 28, 2020|

Enum Entity Property in Entity Framework Core

I like working with enums, but I found I haven't used them much lately because I was fuzzy on how to use them in conjunction with Entity Framework. I've finally [...]

2020-10-27T15:45:34-03:00October 16, 2020|

Relationships in Entity Framework Core 3

One to Many Relationships This article does not yet include information about One-To-Many relationships. However, One-To-Many relationships have not changed since Entity Framework 6, so check out this guide for [...]

2020-02-22T14:04:20-04:00February 16, 2020|

Migrations in Entity Framework Core

Migrations in Entity Framework Core have become very powerful and easy to use. This is by no means a complete guide! Rather, this acts as a Quick Reference Guide for [...]

2022-02-09T01:09:37-04:00February 15, 2020|
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